Jesse Durham

At 27 years old, Jesse Durham decided to leave his career as a Realtor in Southeast Michigan and move his family to Fort Worth Texas to launch a new career with Pillar To Post Home Inspectors®.
“I loved being a Realtor,” Durham says. “But I was ready to make a move towards owning my own business and showing my kids that you can aspire to anything with hard work. I certainly had seen firsthand how amazing Pillar To Post was to work with as a Realtor. They are the No.1 home inspection company in North America for a reason. Thorough, honest, and professional are words that come to mind when describing them. Those words match up with my work ethic and principles perfectly.” The Fort Worth resident serves homebuyers and sellers throughout Tarrant and Johnson counties, focusing primarily on north Fort Worth. He did so well in his first year he was named the Rookie of the Year for 2022!!
Durham stresses, “I decided to make a leap to home inspection because it kept me close to the real estate market. I wanted to use all the valuable skills I gained as a Realtor, and thankfully that plan really paid off. In a bustling, crazy real estate market, we kept our cool, stressing to everyone to NOT skip a home inspection, especially because it was such a competitive market. People who were convinced to skip some contingencies to “get that house” have lived to regret skipping their home inspection. As a Realtor I knew that an inspection was a MUST and it gave my customers and the Realtors I now work with an advantage. The company fast tracked new ground- breaking technologies that were in the works and came out with ‘contactless’ inspections and many more programs now known together as The Ultimate Home Inspection. I see things going nowhere but upwards from here in this industry and with this franchisor.